A week in..
This is an email I wrote everyone, so this is a cheat blog entry, but it sums up the past few weeks...
I was just about to write, "Here I am, sitting in the shade of a lovely tree in Hyde Park, the temperature has been 20+ today and yesterday and I'm thoroughly enjoying the sunshine while writing you this email..".. when in an instant, I got poo'd on – my head, sunnies, laptop, pants and jacket. OKAY!! So now I'm back in the shelter of my friend's apartment in Bayswater where I've been staying since arriving on Sunday. The poo better give me good luck.
The last few weeks had been hectic, and very emotional. Saying goodbye was one of the hardest things for me, and I'd never expected to go through so many emotions since I made the decision to move. I had a wonderful time catching up with friends, and thank everyone for the amazing cards and gifts.. they mean so much to me. I felt so warm and fuzzy on my first cold day here when I slipped on my puffy jacket and walked outside ready for anything! (hit me! Hit me!) I also took photos of all the cards so I could read them on my laptop.

After a few days of shopping and eating 5 meals a day, I had to make my journey to the UK. In a way I wanted to stay in HK, where it was warm and familiar. The 12.5hr plane journey was made worse by my non-reclining seat. In the hope of being upgraded to Business or First class, I asked the stewardess to look into fixing it for me. They came and fiddled with it.. 3 times.. and couldn't fix it (yeh!!). There were clearly no seats in economy free… but there must be in 1st or business class right?!! Well.. apparently NOT.. they offered me a crew seat, with no tv. I declined and just put up with my broken one. At least they kept apologizing, and later gave me a $50 duty free gift voucher – but which I think is still not worth someone having to sit 12.5hrs in a straight-backed chair. Well lucky for them it was me who didn't complain further, and can sleep anywhere (literally).. plus I had my mind on other things, namely landing in a new place and having to go to job interviews which I hadn't done in 6 yrs.
So I've been here in London for about 5 days now. I'm staying in a flat with a friend, and there are 3 other flatmates here. They're taking wonderful care of me, and I've already made friends from their friends, and caught up with other friends I knew were here. There is so much to see and so much to do, however for me it doesn't feel right until I get a job and start earning pounds. The weather has been incredible. It's totally unlike what people have told me. It's been sunny a lot of the time, yesterday and today it was 20+ degrees… it hasn't rained… the people are friendly… I feel like I'm in Aus a little, because things are so easy (mainly coz I speak English too). On the other hand, the city is so much bigger, and everywhere I go there are interesting things to see, whether it's a perfect row of white terraces, or beautiful leafy shaded streets, and the amazing amazing parks…(if u minus the pooing birds).
I'm going for a paddle in an oc1 tomorrow with a friend (Romy)'s club OCUK! It'll be on the Thames and there is rain forecasted but I'm still looking forward to it.
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